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Verify Your WordPress Site on Pinterest (Step by Step)

Have you ever tried to verify your WordPress site on Pinterest? It looks very complicated to verifying website on Pinterest because it will unlock some features. But there are many benefits and it doesn’t have to be hard at all! If you are adding your account with Pinterest, you will get access to valuable business features. For example, you gain access to deeper analytics both on Pinterest and your website logo will be on all pins from your site, it prompts users to visit your page.

Reason Of Verifying WordPress Site On Pinterest

There are so many social media sites are available in today’s word Pinterest is one of them and it is the most popular social media platform to share photos, videos, and other visual content. You can create an account and manage your images in it like Instagram or Linkedin.

In it, other users also can collect websites, links, and other visual content by creating boards.

For photography website or any other type of blog with images and videos Pinterest an important source of traffic.  

By verifying your website through Pinterest you can learn more about your visitors using Pinterest analytics. You can also participate in their ad program and plan to grow your Pinterest traffic.  

Let’s see how to easily verify your WordPress site on Pinterest.

Ways to go through Pinterest website verification

There are mainly three important ways to verify your website through Pinterest which we are going to discuss below.

  1. Update the meta tag on your site;
  2. Upload an HTML file; or
  3. Add verification through a host.

It is the best part that when you are Verifying your website on pinterest it doesn’t take any professional developer.

Steps Of Website Verification On Pinterest By Updating Meta Tag

       Sometimes it seems like things get complicated. But don’t be panic- its is not tough as it sounds! In your website management system (CMS), look for index.html where you can edit the code of your website. You will confirm that you have found it when things look like this.

In this area you can add code from Pinterest under <head> section.

Save those changes.

Steps Of Verification websites On Pinterest By Uploading HTML file to your website

Pinterest verification Through Website Host

It can be easily done by many hosts. At present there are total nineteen hosts with instructions on how to verify your website on Pinterest. But here we are discusses only some most popular like WordPress, Tumblr, and Blogger.


Here we are going to discusses steps of verifying your wordpress site on pinterest.


Tumblr-meta tag

Steps of verifying your Tumblr blog on pinterest.

Then paste metadata into <head> and save.

Steps to verifying your blogger site on Pinterest  

After the above discussion we can say that your website verification is not to tough. Now you can easily verify your website with the help of this article.

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